Privacy Policy
The matter of online privacy matters a lot for Firebird-technology. The company is committed to safeguard the information provided by members (registered users) and other visitors (unregistered users) logging onto website. Firebird-technology is dedicated to create a safe environment for internet.
We respect the privacy of online users and offering state-of-the-art services to users have always been our strategy. Firebird-technology privacy policy facilitates users a view of the privacy practices followed by Firebird-technology and make sure that they have safe passage through the website.
Firebird-technology would like to inform that it’s site provide links to other sites that are governed by their privacy policies and are not responsible for the security and privacy practices provided by such sites. Users are requested to be aware about the privacy policy and the policy of the sites which collect identifiable information.
Whenever you provide us with the personal data, it shows your agreement towards the rules and regulations stipulated under the Privacy Policy and are bound by it. If you do not agree to the policy, you are requested not to use the site.
Our privacy policy covers the following aspects:
- Type of information collected through the site
- Usage and disclosure of personal details
- Choose or opt out
- Security
- Type of information collected through the Website
Personal details
Users making registration at the Firebird-technology are requested to give some personally identifiable information which turns out to be the property of firebird-technology and can be shared, disclosed or distributed to third parties as per the privacy policy. We would like to make it clear that registration is not needed for visitors to the site who do not need specific services.
Usage and disclosure of personal details
- Usage of information
- Track user’s bookings to provide suggestions
- Track user bookings to enable feedback only from users who book services
- We track user usage to enhance site performance
- Track user navigation to ensure all categories are highlighted as required
- Disclosure of information
Firebird-technology will not sell or rent such personally identifiable information collected. The concerned details are given voluntarily for certain purposes such as:
Registration data and other optimal information
When you are just a visitor to the site, Firebird-technology don’t ask for any personal details except to certain extent via cookies. When you decide to use services on the site, you are just required to register on certain link.
When you have decided to use certain services given on the site, just register on registration link. Fill up a complete a registration form which covers basic online contact details about the user. It may cover E-mail id, Mobile number, name, address (for delivery of services as required), social data from facebook, linkedin, google plus, twitter as approved by user.
We collect certain details from service providers such as:
- Business name
- Address
- E-mail Id
- Holidays
- Timings
- Slogan
- Owner name
- Turnover
- Service costs
- Service category
- Time-taken
- Social links like Facebook, Google+, Twitter, linkedin, booking slots availability
E-Mail information
Whenever we receive e-mails from you, we may retain the content of any email messages sent to us along with the details of email address.
Usage of web-based tracking mechanisms like cookies
Cookies allow us to collect small amount of details involved in the website browser which may be used on some areas of the site. It allows us to track navigation and enable us to customize offerings to cater specific requirements.
Such details may be stored on a cookie including registration data so that user is not required to re-enter the information every time he or she visits a particular area, user IP address, user ISP details, user search track/log details and user browser details.
All the third party websites which can be accessed via links like click through or banner advertising may make use of cookies. It’s the fact that we have no access or control over such cookies and do not take up responsibility.
Just choose or opt out
Firebird-technology provides you the choice regarding collection and usage of personally identifiable details. At the time of registration for joining the mailing list, we ask for contact details so that we can send bulletins and for advertising purposes. It’s not important for you to register to have access and use the site. Hence, you have the option to opt out from giving such kind of details.
Security practices
While using the site, you agree that Firebird-technology will not be held liable for the uncontrollable security attack. In these circumstances, the company is not responsible for any type of financial opportunity, legal, business and reputation losses.
You agree that Firebird-technology management will not take up the responsibility directly or indirectly for any cyber crime related criminal liabilities as per I.T.Act,2000 relating to the information.
Management of Firebird-technology fully complies with due diligence requirements of I.T.Act,2000 including its rules and amendments.
Security controls we use cover:
- The whole site runs on the https protocol, with settings to obviate current attacks like BEAST, heratbleed, FREAK, renegotiation etc and to disable lower quality encryption protocols
- Access controls implemented to prevent access of unauthorized data
- Automated Database backups
- Sanity checks for all user submitted data
- Database injection protection
- Firewall in use at the internet gateway level
- Sanity checks for all user submitted data
- Cross Site Scripting prevention
- Regular updates to OS, Web and Database servers
- Firewall on the web and database servers
- Limited access to servers based on requirement
- Complete activity logs being maintained
- User account passwords stored in bcrypt values known to be resistant to current known attacks
- Usage of Virtual Private Servers on Linode
- Only bare minimum data stored as needed
User data kept in separate tables to ensure limited access
Please consider our privacy notice which also keeps a check on your visit to the website to become familiarize with our practices.
Remember, everything on the site including text, graphics, logos, button icons, images and audio clips, digital downloads, data complications and software is the property of Firebird-technology or its content suppliers. In fact, it is protected by international copyright laws. The entire content on the site only belongs to Firebird-technology having authorship for this by company and absolutely protected by international copyright laws.
Your Membership Account
If you have a membership account on our site, you are liable for keeping up the confidentiality of account and password for restricting access to computer and accept responsibility for all the activities which occur under your account or password. Firebird-technology and its associates solely have the complete right to take away service, terminate accounts, remove or edit contents with their sole discretion.
When you visit Firebird-technology, you need to become familiar with the fact that laws of the state of Define State, Define Country without regard of principles of conflict of laws, will govern conditions of Use and any dispute of any kind that might rise between you and the company or its associates. So, have a look over our privacy policy and then visit us!!!